Sale price$39.99


Drosera pauciflora is a large-flowered, winter growing sundew endemic to South Africa. It has a basal rosette made up of slender leaves. Drosera pauciflora is closely related to Drosera cistiflora, but it differs in the lack of leaves on the flowering stem. Drosera pauciflora is self-pollinated and flowers usually open for a few hours with good sunlight. After flowering, the plant pulls back to a rootstock and waits until next winter to emerge.

Please read: You'll get 1 potted plant that is about 0.75-1" in diameter. Please note that you will NOT get the exact same plant in the picture, please read before buying.


Update: Plants are just waking up, therefore they will be a bit smaller (see 2nd and 3rd picture for reference)

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