Butterworts (Pinguicula) care instructions


Mature size: Depending on species, they can range from 1 to 5” in diameter. For example, a P. ‘Florian’ can reach a maximum of 1-1.5” while a P. gigantea can reach up to 7-8” in diameter.

Light: Sunny windowsills, or use full-spectrum lights if you want your pings to show their colors.

Soil: Perlite, peat moss, and vermiculite (3,1,1 respectively). Make sure your soil is moist before potting but do NOT over-water. (Do not use media with minerals or additives for your Butterworts, this media will harm/kill your plants.)

Feeding: Feed bugs, dried bloodworms, or fish food every 2–3 weeks. You can also spray Schultz on their leaves, (Cactus food, and follow label directions).

Humidity: 50-80% with adequate airflow.

Water: During its active growing season provide enough distilled water for the medium to remain moist, but not too wet. During winter dormancy, reduce watering to a minimum and allow the medium to dry out regularly. You can use the tray method to water your plants (bottom watering) and avoid watering the plant’s crown.

Temperature: Mexican Pings can tolerate temperatures between 75–100°F in the summer and 45–75°F in the winter.

Dormancy: None but reduce watering and the photo-period to encourage the winter succulent phase.

Pot: Use a plastic pot and make sure that your pot has proper drainage to allow the medium to dry out.




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